
The following titles are available as print-only books:
Books by Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Eli Goldratt has been described by Fortune Magazine as a guru to industry and by Business Week as a genius. His books The Goal, It's Not Luck, and Critical Chain, gripping fast paced business novels, are transforming management thinking throughout the world. Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints is being used by thousands of corporations, and is taught in over 200 colleges, universities and business schools. His books have sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into 23 languages. Visit the Eliyahu M. Goldratt page on our site to learn more about these influential books and order copies.
- The Goal A Process of Ongoing Improvement
- It's Not Luck
- Critical Chain
- The Race (Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Robert E. Fox)
- Theory Of Constraints
- The Haystack Syndrome: Sifting Information out of the Data Ocean
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Material Handling Systems and Terminology
Material Handling Systems and Terminology covers more than 1,200 terms. It is designed to introduce the reader to a wide variety of material handling systems and applications, and alleviate the confusion in terminology used in discussing material handling systems and their functions. Profusely illustrated, the book is fully indexed, with additional references and a summary of acronyms. It will serve as an invaluable reference for anyone involved in material handling.
Price: US $29.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.
Publication Date: August 1992
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