Side Story: Today's ISyE has ambitious goals and an impressive portfolio of talent and expertise to accomplish those goals. School Chair Dr. Bill Rouse recently led the faculty through an exercise to determine the depth and breadth of ISyE's expertise. The result is ISyE's vision of strategic initiatives in the following areas:
Logistics and Global Supply Chains Vision: Leading-edge research and education in land, sea, or air transportation and the supply chains of retail and manufacturing firms, focusing on areas of globalization, security, optimization, and increased productivity with fewer resources.
Large-Scale Optimization Vision: Ongoing world-class research and education in stochastic optimization, mixed-integer programming, dynamic programming, continuous (convex) optimization, global optimization, and simulation-based optimization applied in domains ranging from airline and marine operations to medical systems.
Manufacturing Systems Vision: Georgia Tech as the source of new industrial logistics system design and control technologies, including development of theory and methods, as well as realistically complex demonstrations.
Enterprise Systems Vision: A process architecture including leadership, core values, and enabling processes; supported by systems engineering and statistical knowledge, methods, and tools transformed to address total enterprise environments to improve efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise operations and outcomes.
Human Systems Vision: The Human Systems Institute provides intellectual focus, international visibility, and sustained support for research in human integrated systems; human-computer interaction; organizational simulation; enterprise systems; and information management in transportation, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, education, and defense.
Health Systems Vision: The Health Systems Research Center provides intellectual focus, international visibility, and sustained support for research in biological and health systems with an emphasis on disease modeling, treatment, management, and control; modeling and analysis of delivery systems; and decision support technologies and methodologies for the creation, planning, and delivery of healthcare services.
Revenue Management Vision: Development of dynamic pricing, lead-time strategies, supply chain coordination schemes, contract and incentive mechanisms, investment models, and decision support tools.
Management of Uncertainty Vision: Understand, quantify, and manage variability in complex dynamic systems, such as manufacturing, communications, and service systems via probabilistic models and methods.
Quality and Reliability Engineering Vision: World-class research center in engineering statistics, experimental design, quality and reliability improvement, and total quality management; role model for interactions and synergies between cutting-edge research and immediate industrial applications.
Knowledge Mining Vision: Leading-edge data mining algorithms, activity monitoring, wavelet and multi-scale modeling, statistical design and modeling, ranking selection and variance reduction, simulation, graphics, and software development.
Modeling and Simulation Vision: Foster and enable cross-disciplinary R&D; activities and educational programs in modeling and simulation across Georgia Tech and the broader community.
Natural Systems and Sustainability Vision: Employ industrial and systems engineering knowledge and skills to assess impacts upon the environment and biological systems. Apply concepts and methods from natural systems to human-made systems to assure efficiency, usability, and sustainability; and yield environmental, health, and economic benefits.
Homeland Security Vision: Strong cross-disciplinary teams working together to make Georgia Tech a leading institute in security-related research, education, and outreach initiatives. Integrated systems engineering and mathematical science approach provides world-class solutions.
Educational Technology Vision: To enable our graduates to succeed in enterprises of the future, we will create virtual industrial systems, i.e., computing environments in which students will be able to experience and analyze a system in real-time and will be able to apply and test their engineering skills to control that system.
Workplace Communication Vision: An educationally oriented program that is based on unprecedented research in the workplace, enhances students' communications skills, advances students' abilities to continue learning communications skills throughout their careers and is integrated with the students' programmatic coursework.
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