Real World Operations Research:
The Woolsey Papers

By Robert E. D. Woolsey, Ph.D., F.I.D.S.
Edited by Richard L. Hewitt, Ph.D.

Pages: 164
Print Price: $19.95
(Plus Shipping & Handling)
6 x 9, paperback
ISBN: 1-931634-25-4

Real World Operations Research: The Woolsey Papers is a collection of the diverse writings of one of OR's most outspoken and controversial figures, Gene Woolsey. Woolsey's humorous and practical writings leave little wonder as to his venerable status in the field.
This collection contains 33 articles published from 1972 and 2003, covering a broad spectrum of subject matter relevant not only to OR/MS professionals, but also educators, managers and corporate administration. To accompany his writings on operations research, chapters also cover topics from communication in the corporate world to handling labor disputes, getting promoted and getting fired. Through creative storytelling and down-to-earth advice, Woolsey provides readers with the knowledge and philosophical mindset to conquer operations and management situations in all settings.
"Gene Woolsey is unique, provocative, insightful and entertaining. This collection of some of his articles is an important and thought provoking read for anyone in the field of OR. Hopefully, this book will motivate and guide the behavior of those in the profession to successfully apply OR to resolving real problems that matter and to insure that the solutions are actually used."
Tom Cook,
Chairman and CEO,
CALEB Technologies Corp.
President (2003), the Institute for Operations Research
and the Management Sciences

About the Author:

Gene Woolsey is a past international president of the Institute of Management Sciences (now INFORMS), has served as the editor for five professional journals, held teaching positions at eight colleges or universities, in four countries, written eight books and over 100 published papers.
He has advised, or co-advised and graduated over 200 master students and 47 Ph.D.s. He has been awarded the Commander's Medal, the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, and the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal of the United States Department of the Army and the Logistics Badge (Honorary) of the Israeli Air Force.
Woolsey has received the "Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Award for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice," was designated a "Fellow of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences," and was the first recipient of the "Harold Lardner Prize for Distinguished International Achievement in Operations Research."
Yes, but what's he really like?
Gene Woolsey is a successful, witty, pompous ass. He is short, fat, bald, and looks like the second vice president of a Midwest Kiwanis Club that sings in a barbershop quartet.
Table of Contents |
Gratuitous Forward |
Introduction |
Chapter 1: Educating Future Managers |
1.1 |
Operations Research and Management Science Today, or Does an Education in Checkers Really Prepare One for a Life of Chess? |
1.2 |
A Totally New Direction for Management Education: A Modest Proposal |
1.3 |
On the Proper Training of Future Management |
1.4 |
On the Proper Training of Future Management II |
Chapter 2: Marketing the OR Profession |
2.1 |
How to Market OR Successfully |
2.2 |
You Can Too Use Operations Research! |
2.3 |
The Keynote Speech |
2.4 |
Sounding the Charge, or Marketing Management Science |
2.5 |
Sales Psychology of Management Science/Management Information
Systems: Why Some Work, Why Some Win |
Chapter 3: Consulting |
3.1 |
Some Reflections on Surviving as an Internal Consultant,
Azerbaijan, & Two Thieves |
3.2 |
How to Succeed as an Internal Consultant, or It's Not How that
Matters, but When! |
3.3 |
An Exemplary Essay on Communication, or Corporate Style,
Corporate Substance, & the Sting |
3.4 |
Yet Another Essay on Effective Communication, or On Learning
Where to Begin, How to Listen, and When to Stop |
3.5 |
La Methode de Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, or Maximized
Acceptance with Optimized Agendas |
Chapter 4: Real World Operations Research |
4.1 |
On System Acceptance |
4.2 |
Being Wrong with Clarke & Wright |
4.3 |
On Becoming an Elephant |
4.4 |
A Requiem for the EOQ: An Editorial |
4.5 |
The Strange Case of the Disappearing Product |
4.6 |
The Warehouse Model that Couldn't Be and the Inventory that
Couldn't Be Zero |
4.7 |
An Essay in the Management of Inventory, or Por Razon si
Possible, Por Fuerza si Necessario! |
4.8 |
On Simulation at High Altitudes, or the Case of the Floating Ore Body |
4.9 |
On Wet Consultants, Dry Consultants, and Humanware Simulation |
4.10 |
Whatever Happened to Simple Simulation? A Question and an
Answer |
4.11 |
Two Essays on Model Motivation: With this Sign, Optimize &
the Shekels of Silver Solution |
4.12 |
A Case of Optimum Trucking, or To Keep on Rising, Just Keep on
Truckin' |
4.13 |
On the Optimal Fueling of Airlines, or There's No Fuel Like an
Oil Fuel |
Chapter 5: Government Projects |
5.1 |
Three Digressions on the Routing of Trucks: Ice & Snow,
Garbage & More Garbage |
5.2 |
Take Me Home, Country Roads, or Paving without Politics |
5.3 |
The Mouse and the Elephant, a Fable of Politically Optimal Arson |
5.4 |
Spare Parts System Survival, or Finding the Thin, Real System
within the Fat, Fake System |
Chapter 6: Operations Research: Past, Present and Future |
6.1 |
Reflections on the Past of Scientific Management and the Future
of Management Science |
6.2 |
Where Were We, Where Are We, Where Are We Going, and
Who Cares? |
6.3 |
Conclusion |
Reprint Permissions and Credits |

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